Algorithm is series of steps to solve a problem. In computer science an algorithm is used to solve problems. Algorithm is a finite sequence of rigorous instructions, typically used to solve a class of specific problems or to perform a computation.
- What is algorithm, space and time complexity?
- Measuring space and time complexity
- How we measure space and time complexity of algorithm depend on the computational model we are trying to use. Generally we use turing model of computing.
- Why study analysis of algorithms?
- Some algorithms are fast some are slow. Some take more space and some less.
- To choose which algorithm to use we should have some analytical tools; these are provided by analysis of algorithms
Time complexity
- Big \(O\) notation
- lower bound, upper bound, tight bound
- pseudo polynomial time, amortized time complexity
- P vs NP: P, NP, NP-Complete, NP-Hard
- sorting
- searching
- Types: n-ary, complete tree, binary
- Binary Trees
- Traversal: - inorder, preorder, postorder, level order
- Operations: insert, delete, search
- Binary Heap
- Binary search tree
- Self balancing trees - AVL trees, red black trees
- Segment Trees
- Trie
- Binary Index Trees
- Types: directed, undirected, weighted, cyclic, acyclic
- Traversal: bfs, dfs
- Operations
- Check for cycle in graph
- Find connected components
- Minimum spanning tree
- Kruskal Algorithm
- Prim algorithms
- Brovuka'a Algorithm
- Shortest path from source to all other nodes
- djkstra's
- bellman ford's
- Shortest path between all nodes to all other node
- floyd warshall
- Johnson's Algorithm
- Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG): topological traversal
- dfs-tree
- bfs-tree
- Connectivity
- Path between two vertices
- Bridges in a graph
- Articulation Points
- Eulerian Path
- Maximum Flow
- Union Find
Range Queries
- Segment Tree
- Binary Index Trees
- sqrt decomposition
- Pattern Matching
- KMP method
- rabin karp method
- Trie
- simple hashing
- collision on hashing
Algorithm Techniques
- Brute force
- Two Pointer
- Prefix Sum
- Monotonic Stack
- Sliding Window
- Greedy Algorithms - knapsack
- Dynamic Programming - 0/1 knapsack algorithm, coin selection
- Divide and Conquer - binary search, merge sort, quick sort
- Bitwise algorithms
- Backtracking
- Randomized Algorithms
- Branch and Bound