- Types of Graphs
- Graph Traversal
- BFS Tree
- DFS Tree
- Operations
- Check for cycle in graph
- Find connected components
- Kosaraju's algorithm -
- Tarjans Algorithm -
- Minimum spanning tree
- Kruskal Algorithm
- Prim algorithms
- Brovuka'a Algorithm
- Shortest path from source to all other nodes
- Djkstra's Algorithm
- Bellman ford's
- Shortest path between all nodes to all other node
- Floyd Warshall -
- Johnson's Algorithm -
- Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG)
- Topological traversal
- Connectivity
- Path between two vertices
- Bridges in a graph
- Articulation Points
- Eulerian Path
- Union Find
Graph Cycle
How to detect cycle in graphs (directed or undirected graph). Methods which exist are using colors, negative cycle using floyd warshalls or bellman ford.
- Assign directions to edges so that the graph remain acyclic
- Clone a directed acyclic graph
- Disjoint set
Minimum Spanning Trees
MST is tree which includes all the vertices of the graph and the weight is minimum for them. Don't make sense for unweighted graphs.
- methods
- prim's algo
- kruskals algo
- boruvka's algo
- total no of spanning tree of a graph
- minimum product spanning tree
- rat in the maze
- n-queens problem
- m-colouring problem
- hamiltoninan cycle
- permutaion of numbers such that the sum of two consequtive numbers is a prefect square
Shortest Paths
Find shortest path from a given vertex to all the remaining vertex.
- methods - single pair shortest path
- dijkstra's algorithm
- bellman ford's algorithm
- methods - all pair shortest path
- floyd warshall algorithm
- johnson's algorithm
- dag shortest path
- in unweighted graph
Find if there is path between two vertices.
- articulation points or cut vertices
- biconnected components
- bridges
- eulerian path and circoit
- felury algorithm
- strongly connected components
transtive closure of graph
count all possible walks form a source to destination