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Inclusion Exclusion Principle

  • \(A\) can occur in \(n\) ways
  • \(B\) can occur in \(m\) ways
  • \(A\) and \(B\) can occur in \(n \times m\) ways
  • \(A\) or \(B\) can occur in \(n + m\) ways


\[ P(n, k) = \frac{n!}{(n-k)!} \]
  • no of permutations of \(n\) things taken all at a time where \(p\) things are identical and \(q\) things are identical $$ \frac{n!}{p!q!} $$
  • \(n\) identical things to be distributed to \(r\) boxes, no of ways $$ C^{n+r-1}_{r-1} $$ Same as lining all the \(n+r-1\) items and the selecting \(r-1\) and remove them, which will give you \(r\) partitions.


\[ C(n, k) = \frac{n!}{k!(n-k)!} = \binom{n}{k} \]
  • no of handshakes
    • \(n\) people in the room
    • everyone shakes hand with everyone else
    • sol. \(C^n_2\)
  • no of matches
    • \(n\) teams
    • every team play one match with every other team
    • sol. \(C^n_2\)
  • no of line
    • \(n\) points in a plane
    • no three points are in straight line
    • sol. \(C^n_2\)
  • no of line
    • \(n\) points in a plane
    • \(m\) points are collinear and already in straight line
    • sol. \(C^n_2 - C^m_2 + 1\)
    • sol. \(C^{n-m}_2 + m(n-m) + 1\)
  • no of diagonals
    • \(n\) vertices of a regular polygon
    • sol. \(C^n_2 - n\)
  • no of square and rectangle
    • a \(n \times m\) grid
    • for rec we need 2 horizontal and 2 vertical lines
    • no of rectangles - \(C^n_2 \times C^m_2\)
    • no of squares - \(1^2 + 2^2 + 3^2 + ... + \text{min}(n, m)^2\)

Total no of combinations of things taken 0 at a time or some or all at a time \(2^n\)