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Number Theory

Modular arithmetic

  • \(a \equiv (a-p) \mod p\)
  • \(a \equiv (a+np) \mod p\), \(n \in \text{Z}\)
  • \(a \equiv b \mod p \implies a - k \equiv b - k \mod p\)
  • \(a_1 \equiv b_1 \mod p\) and \(a_2 \equiv b_2 \mod p\), then
    • \(a_1 + a_2 \equiv b_1 + b_2 \mod p\)
    • \(a_1 - a_2 \equiv b_1 - b_2 \mod p\)
    • \(a_1 \times a_2 \equiv b_1 \times b_2 \mod p\)
  • \((ab) \mod p = ((a \mod p)(b \mod p))\mod p\)
  • \((a+b) \mod p = ((a \mod p) + (b \mod p))\mod p\)

Fermat little theorem

Given, a no. \(a\) and a prime no. \(p\),

\[ a^{p-1} \equiv 1 \mod p \]

Euler's Theorem

Given no \(a\) and \(b\), and \(a\) and \(b\) are co-primes

\[ a^{\phi(b)} \equiv 1 \mod b \]
  • Euler's totient function, \(\phi(n) = \#\{x: \gcd(x, n) = 1 \text{ and } x \in \{1,2,...,n\}\}\)

Wilson's theorem

Given a prime no \(a\),

\[ (a-1)! \equiv -1 \mod a \]


Modulus of any given Exponent

  • find the value of
\[ a^b \mod c \]
  • find the cycle length, let it be \(l\)
  • then, \(a^b \mod c = a^{b \mod l} \mod c\)


  • \(5^{123} \mod 7\)

    • \(5^{123} \mod 7\)
    • use fermat theorem, \(a^{p-1} \equiv 1 \mod p\), for prime \(p\), so cycle length is 6
    • \(5^{123 \mod 6} \mod 7 = 6\)
  • Finding Unit Digit in Exponent, i.e. mod 10

    • Find, \(x^n \mod 10\), first reduce \(x\) to \((x \mod 10)\), so we only have to find rules for \(\{2, ..., 9\}\)
    • \(2^n \equiv f(n \mod 4) \mod 10, n \ne 0 \text{, where, } f(x) = \{(0, 6), (1, 2), (2, 4), (3, 8)\}\)
    • \(3^n \equiv f(n \mod 4) \mod 10, n \ne 0 \text{, where, } f(x) = \{(0, 1), (1, 3), (2, 9), (3, 7)\}\)
    • \(4^n \equiv f(n \mod 2) \mod 10, n \ne 0 \text{, where, } f(x) = \{(0, 6), (1, 4)\}\)
    • \(5^n \equiv 5 \mod 10\)
    • \(6^n \equiv 6 \mod 10\)
    • \(7^n \equiv f(n \mod 4) \mod 10, n \ne 0 \text{, where, } f(x) = \{(0, 1), (1, 7), (2, 9), (3, 3)\}\)
    • \(8^n \equiv 2^{3n} \mod 10\)
    • \(9^n \equiv f(n \mod 2) \mod 10, n \ne 0 \text{, where, } f(x) = \{(0, 1), (1, 9)\}\)
  • Finding the last two digits in Exponent, i.e. mod 100

    • Find, \(x^n \mod 100\), first reduce \(x\) to \((x \mod 100)\), so we only have to find rules for \(\{2, ..., 99\}\), which is still huge
    • Use this theorem, \((10x + y)^{n} \equiv 10nxy^{n-1} + y^n \mod 100\)
      • Proof:
        • \((10x + y)^{n} \mod 100\)
        • Using binomial expansion, \(y^n + C_1^n(10x)y^{n-1} + C_2^n(10x)^2y^{n-2} + ... + (10x)^n \mod 100\)
        • We know that, \((10x)^a \equiv 0 \mod 100\), for \(a >=2\), so our expression reduce to
        • \(y^n + C_1^n 10xy \mod 100 = 10nxy + y^n \mod 100\)
    • Now we only have to find, \(y^n \mod 100\) and \(y^{n-1} \mod 100\), and \(y \in \{1,2,\cdots,9\}\)
    • \(2^n \equiv f(n \mod 2) \mod 100, n \ne 0 \text{, where, } f(x) = \{(0, 24), (1, 76)\}\)
    • \(3^n \equiv 81^{\lfloor n/4 \rfloor} + 3^{n \mod 4} \mod 100\), now use the theorem given above for 81
    • \(4^n \equiv 2^{2n} \mod 100\)
    • \(5^n \equiv 25 \mod 100\)
    • \(6^n \equiv 2^n 3^n \mod 100\)
    • \(7^n \equiv f(n \mod 4) \mod 100, n \ne 0 \text{, where, } f(x) = \{(0, 1), (1, 7), (2, 49), (3, 43)\}\)
    • \(8^n \equiv 2^{3n} \mod 100\)
    • \(9^n \equiv 81^{\lfloor n/2 \rfloor} + 9^{n \mod 2} \mod 100\), now use the theorem given above for 81