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Computer Architecture Fundamentals

Von neumann architecture

Cost Yield Equations

\[ \text{Cost of Die} = \frac{\text{Cost of wafer}}{\text{Dies per Wafer} \times \text{Die Yield}} \]
\[ \text{Dies per Wafer} = \frac{\pi d^2}{4S} - \frac{\pi d} {\sqrt{2S}} \]
\[ \text{Die Yield} = \text{Wafer Yield} \times \left( 1 + \frac{xS}{\alpha} \right) ^ {-\alpha} \]
  • \(d\) - wafer diameter
  • \(S\) - die area
  • \(x\) - defects per unit area, 0.4 defects pe cm^2 in 90 nm
  • \(\alpha\) - parameter related to complexity of manufacturing. 0.4
  • Wafer Yield - Number of Completely bad wafers

Amdahl's Law

A task can be split into two parts

  • a part that does not benefit from improvement of resources of the system
  • a part that benefits


  • \(T\) - total time for task before any improvement
  • \(p\) - fraction of execution time that would benefit from improvement of resources

Now if we don't use improvements

\[ T = (1-p)T + pT \]

if we now used the improvements

  • \(s\) factor at which the resource improvement accelerate
  • so the new time with relation to \(s\)
\[ T(s) = (1-p)T + \frac{p}{s}T \]

Amdhal's law gives the theoretical speedup in latency of the execution of the execution of the whole task at fixed workload \(W\), which yields

\[ S_\text{latency}(s) = \frac{TW}{T(s)W} = \frac{T}{T(s)} = \frac{1}{1 - p + \frac{p}{s}} \]
  • speedup
    • Performance for entire task using the enhancement when possible
    • by
    • Performance for entire task without using the enhancement
    • or
    • or
    • Execution time for entire task without using the enhancement
    • by
    • Execution time for entire task using the enhancement when possible