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Spark Architecture

  • layered architecture
    • all spark components are loosely coupled
  • based on two main abstractions
    • Resilient Distributed Dataset (RDD)
    • Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG)

RDD - Resilent Distributed Dataset

  • building block of spark applications
  • Resilient - fault tolerance and is capable of rebuilding on failure
  • Distributed - distributed data among the multiple nodes in cluster
  • Dataset - Collection of partitioned data with values
  • it is a layer of abstracted data over the distributed collection.
  • it is immutable in nature and follow lazy transformations.
  • immutability means that the state can't be modified later on, transformation is possible

Working of Spark Architecture

master node

  • driver program
  • if using interactive shell it behaves as driver program
  • spark context - the first thing you create inside driver program
    • gateway to all spark functionalities
    • similar to database connection, any command you execute in your database goes through the database connection, likewise anything you do on spark goes through spark context

cluster manager

  • spark context works with cluster manager to manage various jobs
  • the driver program and spark context takes care of the job execution within the cluster.
  • a job is split into multiple tasks which is distributed over the worker node.
  • anytime a RDD is created in Spark context,
    • it can be distributed over the various nodes and can be cached there

worker nodes

  • are slave nodes whose jobs is to execute the tasks
  • these tasks are them executed on the partitioned RDDs in the worker node and hence return the result back to the Spark Content.

  • spark context take the job and breaks the job in task and distribute them to the worker nodes

  • these tasks work on the partitioned RDD, performs operations, collect these results and return to the main Spark Context
  • if you increase the number of workers, then you can divide jobs into more partitions and execute them parallely over multiple multiple systems. it will be a lot faster
  • with the increase in the number of workers, memory size will also increase and you can cache the jobs to execute it faster