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SQL Spark

Spark Literals

When we need to pass explicit values into Spark that are just a value (rather than a new column). This might be a constant value or something we’ll need to compare to later on. The way we do this is through literals. This is basically a translation from a given programming language’s literal value to one that Spark understands.

Creating a literal

import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.lit"*"), lit(1).as("One")).show(1)

Spark SQL Datatypes

DataType abstract class is the base type of all built-in data types in Spark SQL, e.g. strings, longs. DataType has two main type families:

Atomic Types

Atomic Types as an internal type to represent types that are not null, UDTs, arrays, structs, and maps

Numeric Types

Numeric Types with fractional and integral types.