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Real World Uses of Spark

  • alibaba, yahoo, google, facebook , netflix use spark
  • speed is core attraction of spark
  • offer many interactive api in multiple languages including scala, java, python, and R

  • why spark is popular

    • favorite among developer as it allows them to write applications in java, scala, python
    • backed by adn active developer community, and is also supported by a dedicated company - databricks
    • although majority of spark application use HDFS as the underlying data file storage, it is also compatible with data sources like Cassndra, MySQL, AWS S3
    • developed on top of hadoop ecosystem that allows for east and fast development
    • increase in big data
  • applications

    • processing streaming data
      • with so much data being processed it become essential for companies to stream and analyze data in real time
      • spark streaming unifies disparate data processing capabilities allowing developers to use single framework to accommodate all there processing needs
      • general ways that spark streaming is being used by business today are
        • streaming STL
        • data enrichment
        • trigger event detection
        • complex session analysis
    • machine learning
      • MLlib
      • MLlib works in areas such as clustering, classification, and dimensionality reduction
      • very common big data functions like predictive intelligence, customer segmentation for marketing purposes and sentiment analysis
    • fog computing
      • bigdata + iot -
      • fog computing decentralizes data processing and storage, instead performing those function on edge of network
      • However, Fog computing brings new complexities to processing decentralized data, because it increasingly requires low latency, massively parallel processing of machine learning, and extremely complex graph analytics algorithms.
      • Fortunately, with key stack components such as Spark Streaming, an interactive real-time query tool (Shark), a machine learning library (MLib), and a graph analysis engine (Graphx), Spark more than qualifies as a fog computing solution.
      • In fact, as the loT industry gradually and inevitably converges, many industry experts predict that compared to other open source platforms Spark has the potential to emerge as the de facto fog infrastructure.
    • interactive analysis
      • MapReduce was built to handle batch processing and SQL on hadoop engines such as Hive or Pig but too slow for interactive analysis
      • apache spark is fast enough to perform exploratory queries without sampling