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What is version control

A component of software configuration management__, version control, also known as revision control_ or source control,is the management of changes to documents, ___computer programs, large web sites, and other collections of information.

What is Git

Git is a distributed version-control system for tracking changes in source code during software development. Distributed means that copy of source code is stored on multiple devices.

What is GitHub

GitHub, Inc. is a United States-based global company that provides hosting for software development version control using Git. It offers the distributed version control and source code management (SCM) functionality of Git, plus its own features. It provides access control and several collaboration features such as bug tracking, feature requests, task management, and wikis for every project.

How to start

First install git on your OS. If you are using Mac or Linux chances are it alredy have git. For windows use git-scm or any other alternative of your choice. Then start by configuring your credentials. There are mainly three scopes for setting configuration:

  • --system
  • --global
  • --local

How are they different from each other? System flag sets the config for system level. Global flag sets the config for current user. Local flag set the config for current repo.

Where are these config files on windows

  • --system - mingw32/etc
  • --global - ~/.gitconfig
  • --local - inside .git folder in the repo

How to set config files

git config --<flag> <username>
git config --<flag> <email_id>

Replace the <flag> with any of the scope i.e. global, local or system. Use global if it's your own computer.

How to see the config

git config --<flag> --list

How to start a repo locally

##initilize the repo
git init

##check the status of repo
git status

Create a repository on GitHub

Create a repo

Cloning the repo

Cloning a repo

git clone  <>

If you already have a local repo and want the update one don't clone entire repo just pull the changes.

git pull

Adding a new file

git add <file_name>

wildcards are also accepted in place of file name.

Checking current branch status

git status

Commiting a change

git commit -m "some message about commit" -m "some description if you want"

Modifying last commit message

In case of typo on last commit use:

git commit --amend -m "new message"

Pushing your changes to repo


git push

in case this doesn't work set the upstream option using -u flag.

git push -u origin master