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Here is a list of some popular CSS frameworks:

  • Bootstrap: One of the most popular and widely used CSS frameworks, designed for developing responsive, mobile-first websites and applications.
  • Foundation: A responsive CSS framework that provides a range of layout and styling options.
  • Materialize: A responsive CSS framework based on Google's Material Design guidelines.
  • Bulma: A modern, responsive CSS framework based on the Flexbox layout model.
  • Semantic UI: A development framework that uses human-friendly HTML to help developers build responsive layouts.
  • Pure.css: A minimalist CSS framework that provides a small set of styles and layout modules.
  • Milligram: A lightweight and minimalistic CSS framework that uses a "mobile-first" design philosophy.
  • Susy: A responsive CSS layout toolkit that allows developers to create custom layouts using a grid-based approach.
  • Neat: A responsive grid framework that is built on top of Sass.
  • Gridlex: A responsive flexbox grid system that allows developers to easily create complex layouts.