brew --version
print version of brew
brew help
print help for brew command
brew update
Fetch latest version of homebrew and formula
brew outdated
Upgrade all outdated and unpinned brews
brew upgrade
Upgrade all outdated and unpinned brews
brew upgrade [formula]
Upgrade only the specified brew
brew pin [formula]
Prevent the specified formulae from being upgraded
brew unpin [formula]
Allow the specified formulae to be upgraded.
brew tap
List all the current tapped repositories (taps)
brew list
List all the installed formulae.
brew search
Display all locally available formulae for brewing.
brew search [text]
Perform a substring search of formulae names for brewing.
brew info [formula]
Display information about the formula.
brew install [formula]
Install the formula.
brew uninstall [formula]
Uninstall the formula.
brew cleanup
Remove older versions of installed formulae.
brew cleanup [formula]
Remove older versions of specified formula.
brew cleanup -n
Display all formula that will be removed (dry run)