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Desktop files


  • Global \usr\share\applications
  • Local ~\.local\share\applications

How to hide any .desktop file

  1. Copy the entry from \usr\share\applications to ~\.local\share\applications
  2. Delete everything inside the file and paste this:

    [Desktop Entry]
    Hidden = True


    Then, to hide the entry in all environments, open the desktop entry file in a text editor and add the following line: NoDisplay=true.

fbrokendesktop - find what's wrong with your desktop entry

The fbrokendesktop Bash script detects broken Exec values pointing to non-existent paths. Without any arguments it uses preset directories in the DskPath array. It shows only broken .desktop with full path and filename that is missing.

Force some theme on a particular application

  • Add following line to its Exce part in .desktop file - env GTK_THEME=Adwaita:light or use the theme of your choice.