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  • GSettings is the primary configuration storage for most GNOME programs and indeed used for retrieving the theme name in GTK 3 under Wayland.
  • Specifically, gdkdisplay-wayland uses gtk-theme in the org.gnome.desktop.interface schema.


  • On X11, however, GTK uses the XSETTINGS protocol, where a separate DE-specific daemon gets various settings from wherever it wants, and republishes them in a standard format using X11's selections mechanism.

On startup, each client that should identify the settings window by calling XGetSelectionOwner() for the _XSETTINGS_S[N] selection and select for notification on the settings window by calling XSelectInput() with a mask of StructureNotifyMask|PropertyChangeMask.

[...] The client can then proceed to read contents of the _XSETTINGS_SETTINGS property from the settings window and interpret according to the information in the _XSETTINGS_SETTINGS Format section of this document

For e.g. in MATE, mate-settings-daemon is the XSETTINGS provider. It reads org.mate.interface from GSettings and re-publishes the value as Net/ThemeName via XSETTINGS, where GTK can finally retrieve it.

Usage of the XSETTINGS protocol makes the backend irrelevant – e.g. older GNOME and MATE versions used GConf, while Xfce uses XfConf, and there is a standalone xsettingsd which uses a text file. (On the other hand, as you can see the protocol is very specific to X11 and cannot be used within Wayland.)

  • The xsettingsd package also comes with a dump_xsettings tool which dumps data from whatever provider is currently running.

Note that not all desktop environments run an XSETTINGS provider. For example, using LXDE's lxappearance simply edits the configuration files: ~/.gtkrc-2.0 for GTK 2, and ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini for GTK 3. These are always read, but used at the lowest priority – the GSettings or XSETTINGS specified parameters always win.

  • GTK 3 supports $GTK_THEME to temporarily override the theme.
  • In Wayland, GTK 3 reads theme name from GSettings, with configuration file as fallback.
  • In X11, GTK 2/3 retrieve theme name from an XSETTINGS daemon, with configuration file as fallback.
  • GTK 1 does not support anything except file-based configuration (gtkrc).
