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Usb Guard

Protect yourself from physical usb attacks and executing malware/backdoors, this can work by making usb's read only, unless you explicitly whitelist it.

  • sudo ln -s /dev/null /etc/systemd/system/usbguard.service in order for unmask to work
  • Ubuntu based: sudo apt install usbguard
  • Arch based: sudo pamac install usbguard

Configuring USBGuard

After installation run:

  1. usbguard generate-policy steps 1-2 whitelists already connected devices, e.g your current mouse/keyboard/storage
  2. usbguard generate-policy > /etc/usbguard/rules.conf
  3. systemctl unmask usbguard.service systemctl
  4. start usbguard.service
  5. systemctl enable usbguard.service

To allow a usb device permanently simply run:

  • usbguard list-devices
  • usbguard allow-device EnterTheIdHere -p


If this is enabled and you don't use it, it's best to disable it.

  • ubuntu based: sudo systemctl disable ssh.service
  • Arch based (manjaro, Garuda, etc): sudo systemctl disable sshd


  • deters brute force attacks**

  • Ubuntu/debian based: sudo apt install fail2ban

  • Arch based: sudo pamac install fail2ban-client

Configuring fail2ban

  • cp /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf /etc/fail2ban/jail.local
  • sudo nano /etc/fail2ban/jail.local

  • "Ban time" = how long attackers are banned,

  • "find time" = if an attacker enter a password incorrectly, how long do you have to wait before the incorrect password counter resets,
  • "maxretry" = the max amount of incorrect passwords before the ban,
  • "ignore ip" = you may want to whitelist your own ip.

Network firewall

  • Only allow internet access to applications which need it.

This can mitigate spyware/trojans, which are rare on linux anyways, and stopping apps from collecting unnecessary info.

Opensnitch does a decent job at this, has a gui which prompts you once when an app wants to use the internet. Although installing this is a bit of a pain since it's not on any repos, so you'll have to manually install it.Ubuntu based:

  1. Getting the dependencies
  2. sudo apt-get install protobuf-compiler libpcap-dev libnetfilter-queue-dev python3-pip
  3. go get
  4. go get -u
  5. python3 -m pip install --user grpcio-tools
  6. Getting opensnitch and building it
  7. go get
  8. cd $GOPATH/src/
  9. If command 8 didn't work, just cd into the downloaded opensnitch folder
  10. make
  11. sudo make install
  12. Enabling the service
  13. sudo systemctl enable opensnitchd
  14. sudo service opensnitchd start
  15. opensnitch-ui

Arch based: Someone made an aur, which saves you so much time:

  1. pamac install opensnitch-git
  2. sudo systemctl start opensnitchd

Malware/rootkit scanner

I wouldn't really say this is necessary, but if you think you have malware then you can run a scan:

  • Ubuntu based: sudo apt-get install clamav clamav-daemon
  • Arch based: sudo pamac install clamav

File permissions

You may want to get familiar with chmod, and chown, to change file permissions. For e.g, if you store important files somewhere you may want to make it require root access in order to read/write: in which case you'd run:

  • sudo chown root:root /path/to/application
  • sudo chmod 700 /path/to/application


I'd suggest learning firejail, or bubblewrap (more advanced), to sandbox and isolate apps.

However, if that sounds too complicated, then downloading apps as flatpaks is a great way to have some security, whilst not a silver bullet, its extremely easy to use and permissions can be managed through it's gui app: flatseal, or just cli.


By default, ur using plain text dns, it's vulnerable to mitm attacks, your isp can log all traffic, etc. By doing this, you'd also have the ability to block ads/trackers/malware/and malicious ip's reported for ssh attacks

You'll be selfhosting adguard home (only takes 1 command), and can even use this on other devices, but if you don't want to leave your computer on 24/7, then you can use it solely on your own device.

  • curl -s -S -L | sh -s -- -v

That's it, then go to http://localhost:3000, to access its web gui. (It might not be port 3000, as I did this ages ago, but it says in the terminal, change the ports to anything else within the web gui if planning on selfhosting the apps below)

It's best to setup https for its web interface, but feel free to skip this step:

openssl req -newkey rsa:4096 -x509 -sha256 -days 365 -nodes -out adguard1234g.crt -keyout adguard1234g.key

Go to settings > encryption settings > enable https, force https, and quite simply copy and paste adguard1234g.crt into the certificate field, and adguard1234g.key into the key field. That's it. You can access it through https not http now. https://localhost

Configuring adguard home should be common sense since it has an easy to use gui.

But here's my recommendations:

  • Settings > dns > in the first box enter any dns provider. I'd recommend using quad9 as its recent move to switzerland, and change in privacy policy, makes it the best dns provider in terms of privacy imo. Its also one of the fastest.

  • Quad9's Dnscrypt:

  • Quad9's dns over tls: tls://

  • Filters > Blocklist

    • I'd recommend using's blocklist for ad/tracker/malware/crypto/etc blocking without false positives, or if you're brave use energised unified/ultimate but be willing to whitelist a lot of stuff.
  • Why not pihole? Because by default it doesn't support, dns over tls, dnscrypt, or https for its web interface, etc.

  • dont use dns-over-https as it's useless in terms of privacy. Why? The SNI, and OCSP fields aren't encrypted, which allow seeing the ip address of all queries.

Secure cloud storage

Use cryptomator to auto encrypt files when uploading files to cloud. Use veracrypt for a more secure, but manual option, or just GnuPg which is included by default in most distros, however gnupg doesn't support folder encryption.

Or selfhost nextcloud on a device which is on 24/7 for your own cloud storage. It's incredibly easy to setup (with https), and requires 2 commands.

  • sudo snap install nextcloud
  • sudo nextcloud.enable-https self-signed


Password manager

Use bitwarden for a free hosted option, keepassxc for an offline/local option, or vaultwarden for a selfhosted option.

ssh keys

ssh keys are a great way to secure ssh logins, as it'll be unique to you and can even be combined with a passphrase. Bare in mind, this causes issues with a lot of ssh clients, filezilla (sftp file transfer)'s ssh key implementation isnt compatible with openssl, most mobile clients lack this feature.

  • ssh-keygen
  • ssh-copy-id username@remote_host - change to ssh key for login.
  • If ssh-copy-id doesnt work, you'll need to manually copy the key to your authorised keys.
  • Now, the server has your public key, and you ssh via your private key.


  • for system audit, and overview of security risks

  • git clone

  • cd lynis
  • lynis audit system