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Shell Build In Commands

Shell built-in commands are commands that are built into the shell itself, and they are executed directly by the shell without invoking external programs.

  • cd - Used for changing the current working directory.
  • echo - Displays text or variables to the terminal.
  • export - Sets environment variables.
  • unset - Removes environment variables.
  • alias - Defines and displays aliases for commands.
  • history - Shows command history.
  • type - Displays information about a command (e.g., whether it's an alias, built-in, or external command).
  • exit - Exits the current shell session.
  • logout - Logs out of the current shell session (for login shells).
  • source -(or dot): Executes commands from a script or file in the current shell environment.
  • builtin - Displays a list of shell built-in commands.
  • jobs - Lists background jobs.
  • fg - Brings a background job to the foreground.
  • bg - Resumes a background job.
  • ulimit - Sets or displays user-level resource limits.
  • exec - Replaces the current shell with a specified command, often used to execute a command without creating a new process.
  • wait - Waits for background processes to finish.